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Buy Habib Sweetened Yoghurt 1 L Plain yoghurt drinks are very popular with children and adults and because they come in compact sizes, they can be drank on-the-go. Drinkable natural yogurt that has been sweetened has a rich, creamy and taste that provides nourishment at all times of day. Drinking yogurt contains calcium, protein and other nnutrients that offer health benefits and the sweetened flavour just adds an extra dimension to the taste. Plain yogurt in a drinkable format has been gaining traction for many years in Nigeria with people now conisdering it a decent option to be consumed as a healthy snack or as part of a main meal.

Find Out Where

If you want to find the best price of yoghurt drink in Nigeria, then this is the right place. At, you can order online and get same-day delivery in Lagos. For those who don't know where to buy plain sweetened yoghurt drink in Nigeria, you may check supermarkets near me and local shops in your neighbourhood but for convenience and peace of mind, it's better to shop online. It may be worthwhile also doing a search for grocery delivery near me to find it at a cheap rate. Friends may ask where can I get it or how much is it and once you've tried the service, you'll be able to answer all their questions and refer them to the number 1 online supermarket. is the perfect site to do your grocery shopping - low prices and huge discounts always.


Most products come with directions for how to use them but if the product is not branded or doesn't have any label or packaging, you can check online or ask friends for directions for use. Consumer goods products made by manufacturers will typically come with instructions for use; if you don't find this enclosed, exercise caution before using or consuming any product you're unfamiliar with. It is made by one of the most popular manufacturers for this product category and there are hundreds of distributors that supply it across supermarkets and markets in Lagos, Nigeria. If you want to know where to purchase it, the best place to check is an online retailer that you can order online from and have delivered to you at home. This is one of the top selling products in Nigeria and also one of the most famous brands. One of the first questions customers ask about a product is - how much does it cost? And the answer is - not a lot if you're buying online from If you want to know the health benefits, check the ingredients and contents which will be stated on the packaging if available.

The Best Experience

Otherwise, you can do an online search to know more about it. For those concerned about weight loss, weight gain or burning excess fat, be sure to monitor the calories and cholesterol in your diet. You should eat foods that lower cholesterol and reduce the likelihood of high blood pressure and heart disease. High BP and diabetes are very common in this part of the world but they can be partly managed by reducing stress, eating less oily foods and having a generally healthy diet that is combined with regular exercise. Knowing the ingredients in your food is also important in order to be conscious of any adverse side effects on your health or immune system. The undisputed online retailer to get low prices and huge discounts always.